And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts.

Acts 2:46

Missional Communities

Church of the City is made up of small communities called Missional Communities, or MC’s. MC’s are about the size of an extended family and gather together throughout the week, all throughout Guelph and beyond. MC’s live out our three identities together: Family, Missionary, and Disciples. Want to learn more or get connected? Connect with us by clicking below!


Through the work of Jesus, God the Father adopts us back into his family. MC’s take seriously the idea that we ought to love each other like family.


Some of Jesus’ last words to his disciples were a commissioning: to go out into the world and spread the good news that they had been given, and he promised that he was going to send the Holy Spirit to guide them in the work. We believe that commission is for us today, as well.


Jesus’ invitation to people entailed more than just a one-time decision; he asked people to follow him and live like he did. MC’s take time to encourage one another in the journey of being disciples of Jesus.
